Wednesday, 14 January 2009

Pervasive Healthcare group on Citeulike

Dear workshop participants,

I am looking really forward to the workshop and while we are waiting, I want to point you to a small group on Citeulike that might be of interest. In our Center for Pervasive Healthcare we have used Citeulike to collect papers, we have written about pervasive healthcare and novel interaction approaches within healthcare. Initially, it was a local group, but a number of other people from other groups have joined too. If you want to join and post your own papers within the area of pervasive healthcare please do so.

If you don’t know Citeulike, it is a tool for collecting references to research papers in a social manner. Use the following link to join the group.

See you,

Monday, 12 January 2009

Workshop registration

The CHI 2009 registration site is now open at:

* Early Registration Deadline: 15 February 2009
* Late Registration Deadline: 28 March 2009
* Onsite Registration Starts: 4 April 2009